Marigold Prince D'Orange Doble, 10 g

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Marigold Prince D'Orange Doble, 10 g


Product information

Marigold Prince D'Orange Doble is a glabrous annual, herbaceous plant with thick, rounded, radical leaves and winged petiole. Large capitulum flowers with black or grey disc in the center. Outdoor plants recommended mainly for color groups, flowerbeds, etc.

Sowing: It is sown in protected areas, starting in March. After 30 days, when they have 3-4 true leaves and 5 cm in height, they are transplanted.

Additional Information

More Information
Manufacturer Rocalba
Packaging 10 g
Crops English marigold, Ornamental plants
Flowering Period May, June, July, August, April
Sowing Period March, April, May, June
Transplantation Period April, May, June
Sowing Zone Garden, Protected
