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The Dazer 2

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Recomended against:
  • Dogs,
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The Dazer 2

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Product information

Occasionally everyone will encounter aggressive dogs. With the pocket-sized handheld Dazer, you can keep any unwanted annoying dog away without being audible to the human ear, and what is more important, with a Dazer within reach you can have a walk, cycle, jog, see your friends, go for a stroll around the block or visit a nice town or place in your holidays, completely without fear.

For many people, an aggressive dog will evoke extreme feelings of fear. Unfortunately, many people suffer from the fear of dogs. In the Netherlands, approximately 16.000 people receive treatment for dog bites per year. That is one person out of every thousand. As a matter of fact, the most dangerous animal for human beings is better known as his best friend.

It is no longer necessary to be scared of dogs: the Dazer helps to maintain a safe zone around the user and the Dazer stops scary dogs from chasing people. With the Dazer you will be able to keep the dogs under control. After hearing the sound of the Dazer, the dog retreats and you can continue going your way. Even the most fearful dog turns into a timid dog by hearing the Dazer.

How to use:
The Dazer is a technically advanced and durable design. By pressing the button the Dazer emits a high-frequency sound heard by dogs and cats but is harmless and barely perceptible by humans. Audible up to 10 to 15 meters, it is most effective and discomforting at 2 to 7 meters. The Dazer weighs 130 grams, is made of durable lightweight ABS plastic, and has a handy clip for fitting to a belt or pocket. The Dazer is pocket-sized and can be handheld. The 9-volt alkaline battery is good for more than 1000 sound bursts of 1 or 2 seconds and will last 2 or 3 years or even longer The Dazer itself will give you pleasure for many years on end.

The Dazer is the ideal dog deterrent for walkers, joggers, cyclists, birdwatchers. But also for postmen, meter-readers, policemen, bailiffs, vets, GP's, real estate agents, and the gardener. Also handy for all dog-owners. The Dazer enables the user to correct the behavior of the dog and stop it from barking excessively. And, using the Dazer, you can also chase a cat out of the garden when it is going after young birds in spring. All our customers are very positive about the Dazer. The sound is physically harmless to animals when used properly, but don't trouble good dogs and cats unnecessarily.

Important notes:
They might call it a dog chaser, a dog whistle, a device against aggressive dogs, a sender with a high-frequency signal, or an instrument to stop dogs from barking and biting.
The perfect aid for everyone afraid of dogs and ideal for people with dogs.
One press of the button and the unfriendly dog will retreat or make a detour. With the Dazer you can avoid dog bite injuries.
A Dazer is very suitable to decrease the barking of your dog. Friendliness in the neighborhood will increase as a result.
Because you can use your Dazer for years on end the costs are less than one Eurocent pro signal
The pleasure you will derive from your Dazer will make it your best or second-best friend.
Wherever you travel, cycle, or walk, with a Dazer in your pocket you will feel more comfortable.

Additional Information

More Information
Manufacturer Dazer
Packaging 1 piece
Get rid of Dogs
Type of effect UltraSound
Power Manual
Usage Area Indoor, Outdoor
