
Filter results
  1. Against Bittercress Remove This Item
  2. Against Fierce thornapple Remove This Item
  3. Against Scrambling speedwell Remove This Item
  4. Against Starburr Remove This Item


Types of weeds  
  1. Bittercress 1 item
  2. Fierce thornapple 1 item
  3. Scrambling speedwell 1 item
  4. Starburr 1 item
  5. Agapanthus 1 item
  6. Barley Grass 2 items
  7. Barnyard grass 12 items
  8. Bindii 8 items
  9. Black bindweed 4 items
  10. Black nightshade 3 items
  11. Brown beetle grass 4 items
  12. Brown salwood 2 items
  13. Burr medic 2 items
  14. Caltrop 7 items
  15. Camphor Laurel 2 items
  16. Canary grass 7 items
  17. Capeweed 21 items
  18. Carpet grass 4 items
  19. Carrot Weed 1 item
  20. Castor oil plant 2 items
  21. Catsear 7 items
  22. Chamomile 1 item
  23. Charlock 7 items
  24. Chickweed 17 items
  25. Chinese celtis 1 item
  26. Cleavers 2 items
  27. Climbing buckwheat 5 items
  28. Clover 16 items
  29. Cobblers pegs 7 items
  30. Cockspur thorn 1 item
  31. Columbus grass 1 item
  32. Common dandelion 1 item
  33. Common ice-plant 6 items
  34. Common peppercress 1 item
  35. Common thistle 1 item
  36. Corn gromwell 1 item
  37. Cotula 3 items
  38. Couch grass 5 items
  39. Cowvine 2 items
  40. Crab grass 4 items
  41. Creeping buttercup 3 items
  42. Creeping oxalis 6 items
  43. Crofton weed 5 items
  44. Crowsfoot grass 5 items
  45. Cudweed 11 items
  46. Cumbungi 4 items
  47. Curled dock 2 items
  48. Dandelion 1 item
  49. Dawson gum 2 items
  50. Deadnettle 8 items
  51. Devils rope 1 item
  52. Docks 5 items
  53. Doublegee 11 items
  54. English ivy 2 items
  55. Eucalypt 2 items
  56. False sandalwood 2 items
  57. Fat hen 9 items
  58. Fennel 2 items
  59. Field madder 1 item
  60. Fireweed 1 item
  61. Flannel weed 1 item
  62. Flatweed 5 items
  63. Fleabane 5 items
  64. Fog grass 1 item
  65. Fumitory 7 items
  66. Goosegrass 1 item
  67. Hoary cress 4 items
  68. Johnson grass 6 items
  69. Large crabgrass 1 item
  70. Moss 1 item
  71. Mullumbimby 2 items
  72. Nutgrass 3 items
  73. Patersons curse 1 item
  74. Prickly lettuce 3 items
  75. Ragwort 2 items
  76. Redroot pigweed 2 items
  77. Ryegrass 1 item
  78. Scarlet pimpernel 1 item
  79. Shepherd's purse 6 items
  80. Silver grass 7 items
  81. Silverleaf nightshade 5 items
  82. Sisal hemp 1 item
  83. Slender thistles 3 items
  84. Smooth tree pear 2 items
  85. Snakeweed 1 item
  86. Soldier Thistle 5 items
  87. Sorrel seedlings 10 items
  88. Soursob 4 items
  89. Sow thistle 9 items
  90. Spear Thistle 2 items
  91. Spear saltbush 4 items
  92. Spiny burgrass 5 items
  93. Spiny emex 1 item
  94. Spinyhead sida 1 item
  95. Spurge 4 items
  96. St John's wort 7 items
  97. Stagger weed 1 item
  98. Star-of-Bethlehem 1 item
  99. Stinkgrass 1 item
  100. Sub clover 6 items
  101. Summer grass 7 items
  102. Sweet briar 6 items
  103. Tares 6 items
  104. Thistles 5 items
  105. Thornapple 5 items
  106. Three cornered jack 3 items
  107. Three-hornes bedstraw 1 item
  108. Tiger pear 2 items
  109. Tree Violet 1 item
  110. Tree hogweed 7 items
  111. Tree of heaven 2 items
  112. Turnip weed 9 items
  113. Turpentine bush 2 items
  114. Variegated thistle 6 items
  115. Vetches 4 items
  116. Volunteer sunflower 1 item
  117. Wandering Jew 1 item
  118. Wards weed 4 items
  119. Wattles 3 items
  120. Wheel cactus 1 item
  121. Wild gooseberry 1 item
  122. Wild mustard 12 items
  123. Wild oat 10 items
  124. Wild radish 9 items
  125. Wild tobacco tree 1 item
  126. Wild turnip 10 items
  127. Willowherb 3 items
  128. Winter grass 16 items
  129. Wireweed 8 items
  130. Yellow foxtail 1 item
  131. Yellow vine 1 item
  132. Yellow-wood 2 items
  133. Yorkshire Fog Grass 1 item
Active Substances  
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3 Items

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Herbicides are chemicals used for the control of unwanted plants, and they are also known as weed killers. They can be classified based on weed control spectrum, labelled crop usage, chemical families, mode of action, application timing or method, but the two main categories of herbicides are selective and non-selective. The former is used to control specific species of weeds, leaving the crops unharmed, while the latter is mostly applied in order to clear waste ground, as they kill all the plants they come in contact with. Herbicides are widely used in agriculture and in landscape turf management.

Due to the powerful chemicals used, herbicides need to be applied according to their instructions, as they can have health effects on the person that uses them, or, due to surface runoffs, they can easily get transported and contaminate different surfaces then the ones applied on. If misused, they can cause residual soil or water contamination.

Be sure to select the appropriate product for your situation, and to follow the label directions accordingly.